Kit, Inspection Access Panels for the FORWARD Side of Main Spar (BOTH WINGS) - PA28/32
On April 23, 2021 Piper Aircraft issued Service Spares Letter 508 (SSL508) advising of a new Kit to install Access Panels on the FRONT of the MAIN SPAR to afford access to comply with FAA AD2020-24-05 and Piper MSB1304B, Main Wing Spar Inspection.
NOTE: Some aircraft may have had these Access Covers installed at the factory or sometime during the life of the aircraft. They are located in FRONT of the Main Spar - between the Fuel Tanks and the Fuselage.
This Kit applies to the following aircraft:
PA32-260, early PA32-300.
AirWard has developed a Kit, for BOTH WINGS, that consists of the following:
2 - 62109-000 - Cover Plates;
2 - 95094-000 - Reinforcing Plates;
16 - 603-333- #8 Tinnerman Nuts;
16 - 419-923 - #8 Tinnerman 1/2" Screws - Stainless;
40 - MS20426AD4-4 Countersunk Solid Rivets.
2 - Ounces ARDROX AV8 Corrosion Preventative;
1 - 1/2" Application Brush;
1 - ScotchPad;
1 Copy of FAA AD2020-24-05;
1 Copy of Piper MSB 1304B Main Spar Insprction;
1 - Copy of Piper Service Spars Letter (SSL) 508;
1 - Copy of Ardrox AV8 Safety Data Sheet.
FREE SHIPPING (U.S Only) - Due to the ARDROX AV8 is a Hazardous Liquid - HAZMAT - we have to ship via UPS/FedEx Ground.