AirWard ONEX/SONEX - Fuel Cap Cover Kit
AirWard has developed a ONEX Cover Kit that allows a simple opening to enable fueling.
The Kit includes the following items:
1 - 1/32" Lexan Plastic Cover Triangle
1 - 82-19-160-20 Stud, Southco
2 - 82-12-160-16 Stud, Winged, Southco
3 - 82-32-101-20 Retainer, Southco
3 - 82-46-101-39 Washer, Wear, Southco
3 - 82-35-295-15 Receptacle, Southco
6 - CCR264CS3-5 Rivet, Pull, Countersunk
1 - 1 square foot of Wax Paper
1 - Decal, "15.0 U.S. Gallons"
1 - Decal, "AVGAS 91/98 MINIMUM OCTANE"
1 - Decal, "MOGAS 90+ OCTANE ONLY"
1 - Installation Instructions